Reunión del WIP Affordable & Attainable Housing Advisory Circle


Inscríbase aquí: Orden del día: - Repasar los progresos realizados desde la última reunión - Debatir los pasos a seguir y las nuevas ideas


Reunión del WIP STEAM Education Advisory Circle

Inscríbase aquí: Orden del día: -Revisar los progresos realizados desde la última reunión -Discutir los pasos a seguir y las nuevas ideas


Ven a desayunar con Rachel Garbow Monroe.

La columnata 401 Jefferson Avenue, Scranton, PA, Estados Unidos

Photo credit:   EMPOWERING AND TRANSFORMING THE LIVES OF WOMEN, GIRLS, AND THEIR FAMILIES IN NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Please join us! Breakfast Conversation with Rachel Garbow Monroe, President and CEO of The...

Women in Philanthropy Development Committee Meeting

Ameriprise Financial Services 604 South State Street, Suite 201, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, United States

Please join us at the next WIP Development Committee Meeting!On Febrero 13th, the Women in Philanthropy Development Committee met to discuss key strategies for expanding membership, enhancing donor outreach, and...

Women in Philanthropy Spring Grants Meeting

Join us for an evening of networking, refreshments, and the opportunity to hear from the 2025 Women in Philanthropy grant finalists, each addressing critical needs in our community within these...