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Minooka Subaru apoya a la Scranton Area Community Foundation con una donación


Minooka Subaru recently presented the Scranton Area Community Foundation with a check in the amount of $44,149 which comes from their recent Share the Love® event where the Scranton Area Community Foundation was selected as the hometown charity for Minooka Subaru’s customers to support during the event. This is the fourth year that Minooka Subaru has partnered with the Scranton Area Community Foundation as the hometown charity to support. To date, Minooka Subaru has donated over $160,000 to support the Minooka Subaru Fund of the Scranton Area Community Foundation which provides charitable support to the community.
Photo: (from left to right): Joe Corbett, Minooka Subaru and Brittany Pagnotti, Scranton Area Community Foundation