The mission of the Maximilian J. Grochowski Memorial Fund is to provide charitable donations to children’s organizations and other non-profits that honor the memory of Max. We provide financial grants that support children’s organizations, mothers of multiples, and educational institutions. Put simply, we give back to the organizations and institutions that provided us and countless other families with so much support over the years. As of Abril 2015, we have given out $11,000 in charitable grants!
The Max Grochowski Fund is a part of the Scranton Area Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity. As such, all gifts to the fund are tax deductible under the full extent of the law. For additional questions about the fund, please contact the Scranton Area Foundation at (570) 347-6203.
For more information on Maximilian’s story, visit www.maxgfund.com
Grant Recipients
Dunmore Green Ridge Soccer
Grant Amount = $1,000
National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club (NOMTC)
Grant Amount = $500
Ridley Area YMCA
Grant Amount = $3,000
Springfield Ambulance Corps
Grant Amount = $3,000
Springfield Township Library
Grant Amount = $3,000