Fondos benéficos

Fondo en memoria de Patrick McNulty

About the Patrick McNulty Memorial Fund


Patrick “Pat” McNulty is remembered for his warm, generous and loving heart, intelligence, and wonderful sense of humor. He loved to play basketball, loved children and dogs, and he was very proud of his Irish heritage. Pat struggled with substance use disorder and, after a long period of recovery, he relapsed and tragically lost his battle with addiction in Marzo 2023. The Patrick McNulty Memorial Fund was established by Pat’s family in Junio 2023. The fund supports individuals recovering from substance use disorder who need assistance with costs associated with maintaining recovery.



Apply for support from the Patrick McNulty Memorial Fund


The Patrick McNulty Memorial Fund supports individuals recovering from substance use disorder who need assistance with costs associated with maintaining recovery. Upon approval of a grant application, recipients can receive reimbursement for expenses, such as but not limited to, background checks, child care, dental care, education, training, rental assistance, and other expenses related to rehabilitative transitioning.

Grant awards from the Patrick McNulty Memorial Fund will generally not exceed $500, unless a special exception is made by the committee.


The following requirements MUST be met in order for an individual to be considered for the grant:

  1. Have a substance use disorder diagnosis from a medical or treatment professional
  2. Be transitioning from rehabilitation or treatment services

The following criteria provide direction on how the applicant pool can be narrowed during the selection process. These criteria do NOT exclude potential applicants outright, but demonstrate donor intent for preferred candidates:

  1. Preference will be shown to applying individuals who:
    1. Vive en el condado de Lackawanna o en el noreste de Pensilvania
    2. Have a demonstrated financial need
    3. Have received a recommendation from a supervisor or an authority figure in the individual’s rehabilitation process

Procedimientos de selección

  1. Las personas que deseen recibir ayudas de estos Fondos presentarán su solicitud a través del portal de solicitudes en línea de la Fundación.
  2. La solicitud requerirá que las personas indiquen sus cualificaciones y la necesidad de apoyo.
  3. Las solicitudes serán examinadas por el comité de selección de los premios.
  4. Las selecciones se realizarán en función de los criterios arriba indicados.
  5. La Fundación notificará el premio a los beneficiarios.
  6. The recipient will be responsible for submitting invoice(s) which can be either reimbursed to the recipient or paid to the vendors directly. Preference is to pay vendors directly, when possible.

Solicitar ayuda


Once you have created an account in our online application portal, click “Apply” at the top of the page. Once on the “Apply” page, look for the “Patrick McNulty Memorial Fund Application”.