Indraloka Animal Sanctuary’s NEPA Rescue Vet Clinic Project Underway
The NEPA Rescue Vet Clinic is a project of the Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, along with Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, Adopt-A-Boxer Rescue, and other members of the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative. Designed to address the incredible veterinary shortage in our area, this project will increase access to quality, low-cost veterinary care both for the animals at Indraloka and those in the care of about 35 regional animal welfare organizations. Indraloka has hired Leslie Interlandi, a 2022 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine candidate at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, as full-time veterinarian at the NEPA Rescue Vet Clinic. She will be accompanied by a team of veterinary technicians. The NEPA Rescue Vet Clinic is currently under constructions at the Indraloka Animal Sanctuary located in Dalton, PA. Once completed, the clinic will begin serving its largest partner, Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, and plans to open its doors to additional partners in 2023. With a project cost of $650,000, the NEPA Rescue Vet Clinic is currently collecting donations to assist funding this project.
Donate to the NEPA Rescue Vet Clinic
Read Times-Tribune’s recent coverage of the NEPA Rescue Vet Clinic here
Bob Jones Dog Trust Announces 2022 Grant Cycle
The Bob Jones Dog Trust is a privately funded 501(c)3 organization whose goal is to provide assistance for the care and comfort of dogs in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Region. The Bob Jones Dog Trust invites 501(c)(3) not for profit organizations who wish to improve dog welfare within the counties of Wayne, Pike, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Carbon, Bradford, Monroe, Susquehanna, Northampton, Sullivan, and Wyoming to apply for grants which align with their mission of Trust. Applications for the grant cycle of 2022 will be accepted starting May 1st, 2022 and must be received no later than May 31st, 2022. Any applications submitted after this date will not be considered. Grant recipients will be notified of award amounts no later than June 15th, 2022.How to Apply
Organizations may request an application by emailing the Bob Jones Dog Trust at info@thebobjonesdogtrust.org Completed applications can be submitted electronically at the same email address. This year’s applications must be received no later than May 31st, 2022.
Vision The NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative will set the standard for all animal welfare initiatives in NEPA and will work together, utilizing available resources to improve both the care and lives of animals.
Mission The NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative will work on initiatives aimed at ensuring animals in NEPA achieve a happy and healthy life—free from abuse and neglect.
The NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative is a project of The Scranton Area Community Foundation. Established in 2019, the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative is a collective of animal shelters, rescues, advocates, and sanctuaries in the region that are interested in coming together to advance various causes in animal welfare and to increase the collective resources available to these agencies. Activities of the collaborative include education, professional development, fundraising and other practices that move the goals of the collaborative forward. The Scranton Area Community Foundation serves as the convener of the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative.