You are invited to join us (in person!) for the Women in Philanthropy 2022 Annual Celebration where we will celebrate the impact we have made together on the lives of women, girls, and their families in NEPA over the past eight years, and look into the future to share about what’s to come.
Additionally, we will be honoring two dynamic women in our community through the Margaretta Belin Chamberlin Award and the Roseann Smith Alperin Award—two awards that are held at the Scranton Area Community Foundation.

The Margaretta Belin Chamberlin Award is presented annually to a woman whose vision, dedication and courage has enhanced the quality of life and expanded the opportunities for the people within her community and whose creative interests, energies and service to others have contributed substantially to the betterment of her community. The 2022 Margaretta Belin Chamberlin Award recipient is Teri Ooms.

The Roseann Smith Alperin Award is presented annually to an outstanding woman who exhibits the capacity to lead, motivate, and inspire others and the community she serves. The 2022 Roseann Smith Alperin Award recipient is Jennifer Novak.
Dinner and refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP for ALL guests using the link below, OR contact Dana Hunter at dhunter@safdn.org.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
6:00 – 8:00 PM
The Hilton Scranton
100 Adams Avenue
Scranton, PA 18503

Women in Philanthropy focuses on empowering and transforming the lives of women, girls, and their families in Northeastern Pennsylvania. To date, Women in Philanthropy has raised over $1.6 million to benefit women, girls, and their families in our communities. Women in Philanthropy is an initiative of the Scranton Area Community Foundation.
Thank you so much for your generous support of Women in Philanthropy! To become a WIP supporter and to learn how to become more involved in Women in Philanthropy, visit: https://supportnepawomen.org