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Community Foundation of Monroe County

Invest in Impact, Secure Our Future

A contribution to the Community Foundation of Monroe County is more than a donation; it’s an investment that can yield immediate benefits and create a lasting impact on our community for generations to come.

Our Mission: Enhancing Lives, Enriching Community

At the heart of our mission is the commitment to encourage and facilitate philanthropic collaboration and growth. We strive to elevate the quality of life for every resident of Monroe County, fostering a community where everyone thrives.

Why Choose the Community Foundation of Monroe County?

Your generosity, combined with the support of others, fuels projects and programs designed to inclusively enhance the well-being of all Monroe County residents. When you give to our foundation, you contribute to a collective effort that makes a real difference.

Building a Better Future, Together

The Community Foundation operates as a public charity, accumulating charitable funds through contributions, both large and small. These funds enable us to provide grants and allocate resources to nonprofits, addressing the diverse needs of the community and ensuring a brighter future for all Monroe County residents.

Join us in building a stronger, more vibrant Monroe County. Your involvement is not just a gift; it’s an investment in the flourishing future of our community. Together, let’s make a lasting impact.

Together FOR GOOD

The Community Foundation of Monroe County encourages and facilitates philanthropic collaboration and growth to improve the quality of life of Monroe County residents.

The Community Foundation of Monroe County is a public charity that builds, over time, charitable funds through large and small contributions to provide grants and distribute funds to nonprofits to address community needs for the residents of Monroe County.

The Community Foundation of Monroe County’s back office administrative and investment services are administered by the Scranton Area Community Foundation. This agreement enables the Community Foundation of Monroe County to draw on the 70+ years of experience and expertise that the nationally-recognized Scranton Area Community Foundation possesses.

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