Local Organization Reaccredited with Rigorous Philanthropic Standards
Scranton, PA—The Scranton Area Community Foundation recently received reaccreditation with the nation’s highest standard for philanthropic excellence.
National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® establish legal, ethical, and effective practices for community foundations everywhere. “Meeting the National Standards benchmarks is a rigorous, comprehensive process,” said Randy Royster, board member of the Council on Foundations. “This accreditation is a significant accomplishment that indicates the Scranton Area Community Foundation demonstrates a commitment to transparency, quality, integrity, and accountability as it carries out its mission.”
National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® program requires community foundations to document their policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking, and administration. With over 500 community foundations accredited nationwide, the program is designed to provide quality assurance to donors, as well as to their legal and financial advisors.
“This is critically important to our donors,” said Laura Ducceschi, President and CEO of the Scranton Area Community Foundation. “When people make a charitable bequest or establish a fund, they are putting their trust in us to help carry out their legacy. They are counting on us to steward the investment wisely, honor their charitable wishes and, in some cases, provide lifetime income to a loved one. The National Standards accreditation says all of our practices are of top quality and ethical standards, and worthy of our donor’s trust.”
The Scranton Area Community Foundation works to meet critical community needs and support local causes, programs, and organizations. From improving access to equitable transportation; transforming the lives of women, girls, and their families; building the capacity of nonprofit organizations; advancing various causes in animal welfare; and ensuring all residents have access to safe and healthy housing, the Scranton Area Community Foundation is dedicated to helping to improve the quality of life in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
The Scranton Area Community Foundation offers a range of charitable funds, allowing donors to advance a cause, support an individual organization, provide flexible support for community needs, or recommend individual grants. In addition to affirming the organization’s philanthropic services, the reaccreditation validates the Scranton Area Community Foundation’s grantmaking practices for the nonprofit community.
“Our National Standards reaccreditation is a significant accomplishment,” said Barbara O’Hara, Scranton Area Community Foundation’s board chair. “When people trust the Scranton Area Community Foundation with a charitable bequest, to establish a fund, or set up a charitable gift annuity, they do it knowing that we have met rigorous standards for donor services, investment management, grantmaking, and administration.”
National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® is the first program of its kind for charitable foundations in the United States.
The Scranton Area Community Foundation is on a mission to enhance the quality of life for all people in Northeastern Pennsylvania through the development of organized philanthropy. With nearly $90 million in assets under management and more than 300 charitable funds, the Scranton Area Community Foundation distributed over $6 million in grants and scholarships in 2022. The Foundation has served as a steward, grantmaker, charitable resource, and catalyst for change since 1954. The Foundation leads various initiatives including Women in Philanthropy, the Center for Community Leadership and Nonprofit Excellence, NEPA Moves, and the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative. Additionally, the Foundation hosts and facilitates NEPA Gives and the NEPA Learning Conference. More information about the Scranton Area Community Foundation can be found at
The Community Foundations National Standards Board is a supporting organization of the Council on Foundations and is responsible for the quality, value, and integrity of compliance with National Standards. For more information on the National Standards Board, visit its website at