Registration is now open for NEPA Gives 2022! Follow the steps below to register today!
1. Review the Registration Deadlines and Registration Incentive Opportunities below:
Registration Deadlines
Early Bird Registration: 2/15/22 – 3/25/22 – $25 Midway Registration: 3/26/22 – 4/22/22 – $50 Final Registration: 4/23/22 – 5/20/22 at 5:00 PM – $100
*No exceptions*
Registration Incentive Opportunities
The following special registration incentive opportunities are available to all organizations who fully complete their registration by the listed deadline*
*Organizations must raise at least $1,000 to qualify for registration incentives.
2. Register your 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or charitable funds at a community organization for NEPA Gives 2022.
Please note: Any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or charitable fund at a community organization in NEPA is eligible to register for NEPA Gives.
3. Mark the following dates on your calendar:

After only 2 years, NEPA Gives has distinguished itself as the single largest day of philanthropy in Northeastern Pennsylvania, raising a combined $1.9 million in 2020 and 2021.
The Scranton Area Community Foundation is proud to be teaming up with The Luzerne Foundation, Greater Pike Community Foundation, Wayne County Community Foundation, Carbon County Community Foundation, and other community sponsors to host NEPA Gives in 2022—a one-day giving extravaganza that’s all about giving back to your community.
On Friday, June 3, 2022, donors may make secure online donations to their favorite local nonprofit organizations. Donations to participating nonprofits will be enhanced with bonus funds provided by NEPA Gives sponsors—making donor dollars stretch further! Nonprofits will also be eligible for cash prizes!

NEPA Gives Sponsors