NEPA Gives 2024 will take place on June 6-7, 2024.

NEPA GIVES 2024 registration is now open!
The Scranton Area Community Foundation announces that registration is open for the 5th annual NEPA Gives. Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and charitable funds at community organizations interested in participating in NEPA Gives can register now at
The registration period will remain open until May 19, 2024.
Early registration discounts are available as follows:
Early Bird Registration: 2/14/24 – 3/24/24 – $50
Midway Registration: 3/25/24 – 4/28/24 – $100
Final Registration: 4/29/24 – 5/19/24 – $200

NEPA GIVES Kick Off Event
On Wednesday, February 14th, the Scranton Area Community Foundation held a Kick-Off event to launch NEPA Gives 2024. The event was hosted at WVIA Studios in Pittston and was attended by over 100 members of the NEPA nonprofit community.– Jessica Wallo, Michael Hanley, Erica Yurkovic
Attendees learned how NEPA Gives helps participating organizations efficiently raise money and amplify their message, as well as how to register and prepare for NEPA Gives 2024. The event also featured prizes, giveaways, a Q & A session, and more!
Watch the Recap Video

NEPA Gives, Northeastern Pennsylvania’s largest giving event, is a 24-hour online giving extravaganza that’s all about giving back to the community. NEPA Gives raises awareness about the critical work nonprofit organizations carry out across the region and aims to help charitable organizations raise much-needed funds.
During NEPA Gives, donors may make secure online donations to their favorite local nonprofit organizations. Donations to participating nonprofits will be enhanced with bonus funds provided by NEPA Gives sponsors—making donor dollars stretch further! Nonprofits will also be eligible for cash prizes!
Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and charitable funds at community organizations serving residents in Northeastern Pennsylvania will be eligible to participate inNEPA Gives.
This year’s NEPA Gives will be June 6-7, 2024.
NEPA Gives 2024 is hosted by

NEPA Gives 2024 is Sponsored by by

Thank you for your support of NEPA Gives!
In its first four years, NEPA Gives has distinguished itself as the single largest day of philanthropy in Northeastern Pennsylvania!
To date, NEPA Gives has raised over $4.1 million dollars for hundreds of local nonprofit organizations!