
Maya’s Mission Fund

Maya’s Mission supports individuals and organizations by providing access to mental health and supportive resources for marginalized populations. Very unfortunately and suddenly, Maya passed away in 2020 at the age of 13. Knowing the goals she had for her life and what she wanted to become, her parents, Steve and Jessica, and her brother Joshua decided to create Maya’s Mission with the goal of ensuring that marginalized people have access to timely mental health and supportive services.

Maya was creative, she had an entrepreneurial spirit, she was warm, funny, generous, loving, and demanded social justice. She designed a website wireframe on a napkin when she was eight years old, sitting at the kitchen counter. She strapped her boots into a snowboard for the first time when she was six. She picked up a barbell for the first time when she was eleven. She helped kids with Autism learn how to surf, helped her family raise money for Parkinson’s research, loved animals, and cared for others and her community greatly.